Andrew Richardson

My journey continues

My name is Trevor Richardson and my young son was abducted by his mother and she fled to the Mexico where she is originally from. She abducted our child during the divorce proceedings and I was exercising my custody rights when she fled the country. Our son Andrew was 17 months old when she fled and I have not been able to see him since his abduction.

I have since filed an application for his immediate return though the US State Department using the Hague Convention as the legal tool in Mexico. Mexico is a signatory member as well as the US and this has given me hope that I might eventually gain his rightful return. I have experienced a lot during this process and I want to help other left behind parents navigate through this horrible experience and hopefully minimize the pain they are feeling throughout this ordeal.

I have been granted sole legal custody and also full placement in the US which helps my case in Mexico. This is an important step for every left behind parent and one the courts will hopefully in their cases.

I will use this site to post articles and also to provide help, support, and tips to other left behind parents in the US or other countries. I will also this site to promote advocacy for left behind parents with our State Department and local officials.


mexicanhunter said...

Is there any reward for information that can lead to the location of them?

Unknown said...

I just saw an old sign on top of a donation box at Greek JalapeƱo, a local restaurant here in Michigan, regarding this case. They did not make it clear: was your son ever found? A comment on this page says so:
But I haven't been able to find anything else that says this. Could you confirm or deny?